Sydney Wong: VenturX

Sydney Wong

Founder group participation w/ Sydney Wong: angel investor, VenturX Capital

On Friday March 19th, 2021, Hexagon Lavish®co-founder and CEO, Desmond J. Watson, was invited to join a group of other startup founders and entrepreneurs to spend one hour with angel investor and founder and CEO of VenturX Capital, Sydney Wong.


On an EARLY Wednesday morning (July 27th, 2021), D T O ™, expounded on the Greek etymology of the prefix “anti” and how the average layperson relies more on association in contrast to definition. Also, D E S M O N D speaks on influence and how entertainers (music artists, film directors, actors/actresses, etc.) are…

C O R O N A V I R U S – Pt. I

Back in April, over on Facebook, I had posted about how short-lived “immunity” to virus (plural) is and why it is recommended (“necessary”) to receive your “shot” since virus (plural) mutate at unexpected rates. Fact: Coronaviruses are known to mutate every 2-3 years. In that post, I received more replies on that post than on…

T H I E L – I

Peter Thiel has been a thorn in my side for years. A purported “contrarian” who harbors viewpoints and an ethnocentric worldview that rivals only that of Winston Churchill.

Most likely, if the world takes an addictive heed to the tongue-contortionist flip-art lingo Thiel spews, then that world will wind up lying on its back as…

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